Flank above later al line with a fine dar kspeckling. Melanophores on upper part of operculum andcheek. Back bears a predorsal and postdorsal stripe. Dorsal,pectoral and caudal fins with fine melanophores onrays. Anal and pelvic fins almost unpigmented. Peritoneumsilvery to cream with few scattered melanophores.Snout short, equals to or slightly smaller than eye diameter.Tip of the mouth cleft on a level with the upper marginof the pupil or middle of the eye such that the mouthlooks superior. Lower jaw projects slightly. Males have alonger dorsal fin base and females a longer anal fin base.Males about 100 mm total length bear fine scattered tubercleson head, operculum and pectoral fin. Habitat, afresh, clear stream, temperature 17-22°C, pH=6.2, conductivity455 μS, current slow to moderate, submergentaquatic plant, grassy shore and muddy bottoms. Maximumage 5 years, total length 178 mm and weight 49 g.Maturity at 2 years with a minimum total length of 71mm. Reproduction in spring with a peak in May. Absolutefecundity about 4000 eggs with a diameter of 1.1mm. Food include aquatic invertebrates and insects.