Upper flank br own and each scaleoutlined with dark pigment. Mid-flank with 6-12 elongateto rectangular black spots. Up to five faint spotbands on dorsal, pectoral and caudal fins. Pelvic axillaryscale present. Throat, breast and anterior belly naked.Gill rakers small and irregularly spaced. Pharyngeal teethstrongly hooked at tip. Gut S-shaped with a slight anteriorloop. Anus between pelvic fins, remote from anal finorigin. Barbel broad and fleshy. Mouth subterminal andhorseshoe-shaped with thick, papillose lips. Males andfemales bear tubercles on head, pectoral and pelvic fins.Males have longer pectoral and pelvic fins, reaching pelvicfin and anal fin origin. Snout to anus distance morethan half body length in females and about equal inmales. In shallow and fast running rivers and streamswith gravel bottom. Maximum age 3 years and totallength 15 cm. Maturity at 1-2 years. Spawning in May-June. Absolute fecundity up to 15,800 eggs of up to 1.6mm in diameter. Food include aquatic insects, crustaceans,and eggs and fry of other fishes.