Back br ownish olive-green with 7-16 darkblotches along its mid-line. Flanks golden-brown with arow of 9-18 dark brown spots. A bar at caudal base,sometimes with a small central gap. Fins slightly pink.Scales minute. Dermal crest variably developed behinddorsal and anal fins. Mouth corner barbels reaching backto posterior eye margin. A swelling of body in front ofdorsal fin in mature males. A nocturnal species, hidingduring day under gravel and rocks. Prefers shallow andclear faster waters in upper and middle reaches of rivers,also, in still water left behind after floods. Maximum totallength 138 mm. Males slightly smaller than females.Spawning over plants from April to August in batches.Absolute fecundity up to 14,700 eggs with a diameter of0.9 mm. Food include benthic invertebrates such as insectlarvae, nematodes, copepods, chironomids, fish eggs, algaeand detritus.