In adults a str ipe along flanks and a linealong mid-flank, separating upper and lower musclemasses. Upper flank yellowish with irregular dark greyor brown pigments. Lower flank with irregular grey orbrown pigments. Belly and lower head surface pale yellowishwithout dark pigments. Dorsal and caudal finswith yellow-orange rays, bearing 3-4 series of brownspots. Caudal fin base with two dark dots. Pectoral, pelvicand anal fins transparent. Iris golden. A crest developedon lower and upper caudal peduncle. Posterior barbelslong reaching beyond posterior eye margin. Secondpectoral fin ray in males not enlarged but a lateral distensionin front of dorsal fin in mature males present. Infresh and brackish waters, slow or still water with aquaticvegetation. Maximum total length 100 mm. Spawningin spring, in brackish lagoons. Absolute fecundity up to955 eggs with a diameter of up to 0.9 mm. Food includeaquatic invertebrates.