Over all color silver y to gr ey. Scales of flankswith dark pigmentation along posterior margin. Backdark brown and belly white to silvery yellow. Iris silverywith many dark grey pigments. Dorsal fin grey withsome pink. Pectoral, pelvic and anal fins pink to redishwith translucent margins. Gill rakers short, reaching adjacentraker when appressed. Pharyngeal teeth very narrow,strongly hooked at tip and serrated. Gut elongateand S-shape. Mouth terminal, lips thin and lower lip withmedial notch. No barbell. Dorsal spine not thickened.Mainly in upstream waters. Maximum age 10 years, totallength 45 cm and weight 6 kg. Maturity in 2-4 years at13-15 cm total length. Spawning in late May to July, at12-18°C. Absolute fecundity up to 118,000 eggs with adiameter of up to 1.8 mm. Spawning in shallow waters,on gravel bottoms. Food include insect larvae, molluscsand other invertebrates, small fishes and frogs.
Distribution :
Caspian Sea (Ar as to Atr ak r iver s), Tigris (Marun, Karun, Khersan, Kashkan, Dez, Karkheh, Saimareh, and Gamasiab rivers) Namak (Karaj, Shur, Abhar, Qarachai and Qomrud rivers), Orumiyeh (Talkhehrud and Zarrinehrud rivers), and Isfahan basins.