Br own-green back and light silver abdomen.Grey-silver flank with some spots. A narrow dark stripefrom eye to end of lateral line, separating bluish backfrom silvery flanks. Lower fins pale to light yellow anddorsal and caudal fins light grey. Upper part of operculumheavily pigmented. Peritoneum silvery brown withscattered melanophores. Pelvic axillary scale present.Gill rakers reaching first or second raker below whenappressed. Pharyngeal teeth hooked at tip and stronglyserrated. Mouth oblique and extends back to behindfront margin of eye. Lower jaw not or slightly protrudable.Upper jaw slightly overlapping lower jaw. Gut elongate,S-shape and may have an anterior loop. Males beartubercles on pectoral fins and head. In stream or riverhabitats. Maximum age 4 years and total length 158 mm.Spawning from April to July. Sex ratio 1Male:2females.Maturity usually attained at two and rarely one year. Absolutefecundity up to 16,100 eggs. Food mainly includezooplankton, insects, phytoplankton, filamentous algaeand benthic organisms.