Body dusky gr ey to blue-grey with a silveryflank and belly. Back and upper flank with a series ofdark to golden stripes. A golden blotch on operculum.Peritoneum dark brown to black. 6-11 pyloric caeca ofabout equal length or gradually becoming longer fromventral to dorsal. Scales on snout in a single row anteriorly.Oral edge of lachrymal bone moderately concave.No pectoral axillary scale. An elongate first dorsal finaxillary scale and a pelvic axillary scale present. Adiposemembrane of eye rudimentary. Gill rakers fine, slender,compressed and serrated medially, reaches 12-17 rakersbelow, when appressed. Gut elongate with several anteriorand posterior loops, after a muscular stomach. Inhabitssea and enters lower reaches of rivers and occasionallynearby lakes. Eggs develop in open sea, larvae migrate tocoast and young feed along shore and in bays. Maximumage 12 years, total length 59 cm and weight 2.5 kg. Maturityat 3-4 years in males and 5-6 years in females, at atotal length of 38-45 cm. Sex ratio 1Male:1.4females.Spawning in June-October at 20-22°C. Absolute fecundityup to 1,470,000 lemon eggs with a diameter of 0.9mm. Food include small benthic invertebrates and detrituswith some insects and plankton.