Back dar k gr ey to blue-grey. Flanks silverygreywith 7 bluish stripes, belly pale to silvery. A goldenblotch on operculum. Peritoneum brown to black.No pectoral axillary scale. An elongate first dorsal finaxillary scale and a pelvic axillary scale. Gill rakers fine,serrated and numerous and reaches raker 6-7 belowwhen appressed. Gut elongated, with 2 posterior loopsafter a muscular stomach. 3-5 short and 3-4 long pyloriccaeca. Numerous rows of small scales on snout anteriorly.Oral edge of lachrymal bone deeply notched. Adiposemembrane of eye rudimentary. A pelagic speciesfound mostly in inshore areas and entering lagoons andrivers. Tolerates 5-27ºC and 11-28‰. Maximum age 8years, total length 59 cm and weight 1.8 kg. Maturity at3-4 years. Sex ratio 1male:3females. Spawning fromMay to early October, most intensive in June-August at25-29°C. Absolute fecundity up to 4,400,000 eggs witha diameter of up to 0.9 mm. Food include detritus andsmall benthic organisms.